Bonded warehouses offer the opportunity to store goods in a legally protected area, allowing deferment of the payment of duty and ensuring security of operations.
Customs warehouses are legally protected areas which are essential for customs operations and the application of customs duties. Importers, distributors and exporters make use of the many benefits that these spaces offer. If the goods are stored in a bonded warehouse, advance payment of customs duties is not required and can be postponed to suit any financial requirements. This option offers local and foreign companies the ability to store, distribute and display their products in a secure environment, avoiding the risk of unnecessary expenses during the storage period.
Warehouses & storage of goods
Our warehousing and goods storage service is designed to offer efficient and secure logistics solutions to companies that need to optimise the storage and distribution of their products. Our warehouses are equipped with modern and technologically advanced systems, maximising the security and protection of your goods. Thanks to an integrated management system, we offer precise inventory control, providing complete and timely visibility of the status and location of your products.
Bonded warehouse
A strategic solution for companies which trade internationally. This type of warehouse offers a legally protected space where goods can be stored without having to make immediate customs payments. This allows importers, exporters and distributors to postpone the payment of duties until the time when the goods are actually used or sold. Our bonded warehouses are equipped with modern security measures, including surveillance cameras, ensuring that the goods stored there are properly protected.

Each product category has its own specific guidelines that must be respected, as well as the utmost care to ensure that the goods and storage areas are managed in accordance with the applicable regulations. Temperature, deadlines, storage methods and locations are just some of the aspects that a shipping agent must consider to ensure that the products passing through its warehouses are correctly managed.
We currently have experience of a number of different sectors.
COntact usAutomotive
Heavy machinery
Oil & Gas
Fashion & luxury goods
Raw materials
Project Cargo
Cosmetics & pharmaceuticals
Operiamo seguendo i più alti standard internazionali
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